Thursday 6 March 2008

Blog post in a Chinesepod bottle

A short post this one but with a specific objective. The purpose of this this blog is primarily to act as a brain dump and thinking space, I am not aiming at attracting a readership (and on that measure I am succeeding admirably ;).

That being said It was interesting to note that some comments previous observations I made regarding problems with Chinesepod RSS feeds seem to have resulted in some action. I also noted a few hits from Shanghai in Google analytics. I was kind of expecting and hoping that this may be the case.

I would think that these days, if your online presence is important, then you should be spending some time peering into the dark corners of the web getting indirect feedback from discussions about you. It appears that the folks at Chinesepod have this covered.

I am curious to see if this post in an obscure corner gets read, it has some words and tags about Chinesepod, cpod and Ken Carroll that should do the trick. If somebody (anbody) from Chinesepod or Praxis reads this then please leave a comment, I will be very impressed and it will complete my experiment. The web version of the "message in a bottle" should in theory be much more discoverable than the traditional one.

Blogged with Flock


Anonymous said...

Of course we are watching... :)

Unknown said...

Excellent, I remember when I used to work in Quality Assurance, figures like only 1 in 7 people with a gripe actually complain were often quoted.

Keeping a finger on the pulse about what people are saying about you out on the Web is a powerful way to gather opinion (both good and bad), much better than forcing people to take surveys (I rarely tell the truth on these anyway).